Optimizing a lens#

In this tutorial, we will perform a topology optimization of a lens

We first need to import the Python packages

import matplotlib.colors as mplcolors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import gyptis as gy


Importantly, we enable automatic differentiation:


import gyptis.optimize as go
import gyptis.utils as gu


/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/moola/adaptors/dolfin_vector.py:20: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?
  if inner_product is not "custom":

Define EM and geometrical parameters

wavelength = 550  # wavelength of operation (in mm)
Lx, Ly = 4800, 1816.2  # box size
lx, ly = 3000, 250  # lens size
pml_dist = 250
f = 726.5
rtarget = wavelength / 10
yf = -Ly / 2 + pml_dist + ly + f

waist = 1500
position = 0, pml_dist + lx / 2

pmesh = 6

epsilon_min = 1
epsilon_max = 3.48**2

Optimization parameters

filtering_type = "density"
# filtering_type = "sensitivity"
rfilt = ly / 5
maxiter = 15
threshold = (0, 7)

We now define the geometry:

geom = gy.BoxPML(
    box_size=(Lx, Ly),
    pml_width=(wavelength, wavelength),

Now we add a recangular design domain where the permittivity will be optimized

design = geom.add_rectangle(-lx / 2, +pml_dist - Ly / 2, 0, lx, ly)
design, box = geom.fragment(design, geom.box)
# sub = geom.add_rectangle(-Lx / 2, -Ly / 2, 0, Lx, pml_dist)
# sub, box = geom.fragment(sub, box)
target = geom.add_circle(0, yf, 0, rtarget)
target, box = geom.fragment(target, box)

Add physical domains:

geom.add_physical(box, "box")
geom.add_physical(design, "design")
# geom.add_physical(sub, "sub")
geom.add_physical(target, "target")



And set the mesh sizes. A good practice is to have a mesh size that is smaller than the wavelength in the media to resolve the field so size = wavelength / (n*pmesh), with n the refractive index.

geom.set_pml_mesh_size(wavelength / pmesh)
geom.set_size("box", wavelength / pmesh)
geom.set_size("target", wavelength / pmesh)
# geom.set_size("sub", wavelength / (pmesh * np.real(epsilon_max) ** 0.5))
geom.set_size("design", wavelength / (1.2 * pmesh * np.real(epsilon_max) ** 0.5))



{'mesh': <fenics_adjoint.types.mesh.Mesh object at 0x7fd7638afd70>, 'markers': {'triangle': <dolfin.cpp.mesh.MeshFunctionSizet object at 0x7fd7708dedf0>}}

We define the incident plane wave. The angle is in radian and theta=0 corresponds to a wave travelling from the bottom.

# gb = gy.GaussianBeam(
#     wavelength=wavelength,
#     angle=0,
#     waist=waist,
#     position=position,
#     Npw=21,
#     dim=2,
#     domain=geom.mesh,
#     degree=2,
# )
gb = gy.PlaneWave(

Define the objective function

def objective_function(epsilon_design):
    global simulation

    epsilon = dict(box=1, target=1, design=epsilon_design)

    simulation = gy.Scattering(


    Hz = simulation.solution["total"]
    nrj = gy.assemble((Hz * Hz.conj).real * simulation.dx("target")) / (
        gy.pi * rtarget**2
    return -nrj

Function to filter and project density

def density_proj_filt(self, density, proj, filt, filtering_type):
    if filtering_type == "density":
        density_f = self.filter.apply(density) if filt else density
        density_f = density
    density_fp = (
        go.projection(density_f, beta=2**self.proj_level) if proj else density_f
    fs_plot = gy.dolfin.FunctionSpace(self.submesh, "DG", 0)
    return gu.project_iterative(density_fp, fs_plot)

Define callback function

jopt = 0

def callback(self):
    global jopt
    proj = self.proj_level is not None
    filt = self.filter != 0
    density_fp = density_proj_filt(self, self.density, proj, filt, filtering_type)

    Hz = simulation.solution["total"]
    projspace = optimizer.fs_ctrl
    # projspace = simulation.real_function_space
    fieldplot = gu.project_iterative((Hz * Hz.conj).real, projspace)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 3))
    gs = fig.add_gridspec(3, 1)
    ax = [fig.add_subplot(gs[0:2, :])]
        # norm=mplcolors.LogNorm(vmin=1e-2, vmax=None),
    geom_lines = geom.plot_subdomains(color="white", ax=ax[0])
    gy.dolfin.plot(density_fp, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap="Greys", alpha=0.7)
    plt.xlabel(r"$x$ (μm)")
    plt.ylabel(r"$y$ (μm)")
    # plt.tight_layout()
    ax.append(fig.add_subplot(gs[2, :]))

    dplot, cb2 = gy.plot(density_fp, ax=ax[1], vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap="Reds", alpha=1)
    plt.xlim(-lx / 2, lx / 2)
    y0 = -Ly / 2 + pml_dist
    plt.ylim(y0, y0 + ly)
    plt.suptitle(f"iteration {jopt}, objective = {-self.objective:.5f}")

    jopt += 1
    return self.objective

Initialize the optimizer

optimizer = go.TopologyOptimizer(
    eps_bounds=(epsilon_min, epsilon_max),

Initial value


  • iteration 0, objective = 0.66373
  • iteration 1, objective = 0.72759
  • iteration 2, objective = 1.71988
  • iteration 3, objective = 4.62645
  • iteration 4, objective = 5.47664
  • iteration 5, objective = 6.92803
  • iteration 6, objective = 7.70654
  • iteration 7, objective = 8.65635
  • iteration 8, objective = 6.56817
  • iteration 9, objective = 9.08346
  • iteration 10, objective = 9.32153
  • iteration 11, objective = 9.47518
  • iteration 12, objective = 9.58404
  • iteration 13, objective = 9.63977
  • iteration 14, objective = 9.94269
  • iteration 15, objective = 9.66577
  • iteration 16, objective = 9.84341
  • iteration 17, objective = 10.06249
  • iteration 18, objective = 10.29321
  • iteration 19, objective = 10.32689
  • iteration 20, objective = 10.36101
  • iteration 21, objective = 10.40820
  • iteration 22, objective = 10.42078
  • iteration 23, objective = 10.55636
  • iteration 24, objective = 7.30843
  • iteration 25, objective = 10.64148
  • iteration 26, objective = 9.85737
  • iteration 27, objective = 10.72082
  • iteration 28, objective = 10.74213
  • iteration 29, objective = 10.88622
  • iteration 30, objective = 8.78755
  • iteration 31, objective = 9.67989
  • iteration 32, objective = 8.47792
  • iteration 33, objective = 10.61483
  • iteration 34, objective = 6.74036
  • iteration 35, objective = 10.55958
  • iteration 36, objective = 10.92958
  • iteration 37, objective = 10.94863
  • iteration 38, objective = 11.09625
  • iteration 39, objective = 11.12321
  • iteration 40, objective = 11.20002
  • iteration 41, objective = 10.41125
  • iteration 42, objective = 11.26364
  • iteration 43, objective = 11.28407
  • iteration 44, objective = 11.29045
  • iteration 45, objective = 6.75843
  • iteration 46, objective = 8.74917
  • iteration 47, objective = 9.89220
  • iteration 48, objective = 10.30839
  • iteration 49, objective = 8.48912
  • iteration 50, objective = 10.75748
  • iteration 51, objective = 10.84045
  • iteration 52, objective = 10.91527
  • iteration 53, objective = 10.95395
  • iteration 54, objective = 10.97153
  • iteration 55, objective = 11.13607
  • iteration 56, objective = 6.82332
  • iteration 57, objective = 10.88396
  • iteration 58, objective = 11.16110
  • iteration 59, objective = 11.16506
  • iteration 60, objective = 9.06905
  • iteration 61, objective = 6.56615
  • iteration 62, objective = 10.26082
  • iteration 63, objective = 10.54964
  • iteration 64, objective = 10.63792
  • iteration 65, objective = 10.67107
  • iteration 66, objective = 10.68728
  • iteration 67, objective = 10.69842
  • iteration 68, objective = 10.70631
  • iteration 69, objective = 10.71199
  • iteration 70, objective = 10.71611
  • iteration 71, objective = 10.71914
  • iteration 72, objective = 10.72136
  • iteration 73, objective = 10.72299
  • iteration 74, objective = 10.72420
  • iteration 75, objective = 9.60130
  • iteration 76, objective = 2.75769
  • iteration 77, objective = 9.89930
  • iteration 78, objective = 10.21089
  • iteration 79, objective = 10.37794
  • iteration 80, objective = 10.40834
  • iteration 81, objective = 10.42215
  • iteration 82, objective = 10.42974
  • iteration 83, objective = 10.43416
  • iteration 84, objective = 10.43677
  • iteration 85, objective = 10.43834
  • iteration 86, objective = 10.43928
  • iteration 87, objective = 10.43985
  • iteration 88, objective = 10.44019
  • iteration 89, objective = 10.44040
  • iteration 90, objective = 9.84149
  • iteration 91, objective = 2.97202
  • iteration 92, objective = 9.14351
  • iteration 93, objective = 10.15227
  • iteration 94, objective = 10.26287
  • iteration 95, objective = 10.30334
  • iteration 96, objective = 10.31673
  • iteration 97, objective = 10.32351
  • iteration 98, objective = 10.32709
  • iteration 99, objective = 10.32900
  • iteration 100, objective = 10.33004
  • iteration 101, objective = 10.33059
  • iteration 102, objective = 10.33090
  • iteration 103, objective = 10.33106
  • iteration 104, objective = 10.33115


Topology optimization with 3708 variables

global iteration 0
objective = -0.6637293886721712
objective = -0.7275889384562827
objective = -1.7198770360921491
objective = -4.626453892760687
objective = -5.476637222489496
objective = -6.92802534201639
objective = -7.706536582406715
objective = -8.656350620713582
objective = -6.568169480141579
objective = -9.083458152918533
objective = -9.321530500183894
objective = -9.475183556887178
objective = -9.584039511947278
objective = -9.639768654845955
objective = -9.94268761622476
global iteration 1
objective = -9.665770279032362
objective = -9.843405498931912
objective = -10.062486555486593
objective = -10.293206125627993
objective = -10.326892914739474
objective = -10.36101430992344
/builds/gyptis/gyptis.gitlab.io/gyptis/tutorials/optimization/plot_optim.py:190: RuntimeWarning: More than 20 figures have been opened. Figures created through the pyplot interface (`matplotlib.pyplot.figure`) are retained until explicitly closed and may consume too much memory. (To control this warning, see the rcParam `figure.max_open_warning`). Consider using `matplotlib.pyplot.close()`.
  fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 3))
objective = -10.408196222414823
objective = -10.42077634428563
objective = -10.556359189021462
objective = -7.308428910882467
objective = -10.641483814047184
objective = -9.857372855645474
objective = -10.720820066403544
objective = -10.742125177795131
objective = -10.886217916096026
global iteration 2
objective = -8.78755176531896
objective = -9.6798877243426
objective = -8.4779218936994
objective = -10.614829486209118
objective = -6.740357944287081
objective = -10.559580272836046
objective = -10.929583275677198
objective = -10.948634731448168
objective = -11.096249164844666
objective = -11.12321046184717
objective = -11.200017999548834
objective = -10.411251470969884
objective = -11.263636165520618
objective = -11.284071295736789
objective = -11.290452943706086
global iteration 3
objective = -6.758431801803878
objective = -8.749167396703983
objective = -9.892203698517596
objective = -10.308391072961255
objective = -8.489122815608026
objective = -10.757477719116626
objective = -10.840446636514313
objective = -10.915274070706674
objective = -10.953947307201982
objective = -10.971532627236215
objective = -11.136072331300936
objective = -6.823316564819775
objective = -10.883957493894176
objective = -11.161104653351497
objective = -11.165062473163424
global iteration 4
objective = -9.069046418754203
objective = -6.5661456011369275
objective = -10.260823472452168
objective = -10.54964399736611
objective = -10.637917585332175
objective = -10.671069135622469
objective = -10.687277967780581
objective = -10.698421134862514
objective = -10.706309530816503
objective = -10.711986890914131
objective = -10.716114682337317
objective = -10.719135561437486
objective = -10.72135603862325
objective = -10.722993077004103
objective = -10.724202504048979
global iteration 5
objective = -9.601298915104838
objective = -2.757688906378811
objective = -9.899298097242237
objective = -10.210894417388042
objective = -10.377939519889654
objective = -10.408337822424187
objective = -10.422152795850137
objective = -10.42974481838872
objective = -10.434155289129556
objective = -10.43677122193913
objective = -10.438337897133911
objective = -10.439280939221932
objective = -10.439850193860154
objective = -10.44019437498777
objective = -10.440402671585003
global iteration 6
objective = -9.841494956436081
objective = -2.972016530561061
objective = -9.1435076443665
objective = -10.152274535848406
objective = -10.262866074750235
objective = -10.303337301425179
objective = -10.316729289151807
objective = -10.323514869258942
objective = -10.327091181774254
objective = -10.32900486720834
objective = -10.330036314034547
objective = -10.330594342128892
objective = -10.330896847276524
objective = -10.33106100758912
objective = -10.331150143100745

(array([0.3579, 0.4559, 0.3385, ..., 0.0158, 0.493 , 0.005 ]), -10.331150143100745)

Total running time of the script: ( 7 minutes 15.695 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 2413 MB

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